Friday, October 10, 2008

Would you believe this brought tears to my eyes!

I was soo excited to watch Stetson in the Band this week. We have a new band teacher who is spicing things up in this boring town. Mr & Mrs Goodworth whom lucky for us are good friends of ours too. They have seen Stetsons interest in music and have really encourage him. He now takes piano, guitar, and is learning the drums. He stands in preccussion in the band and has been invited to play with the high school band at the games. He loves it! Anyway not sure exactly what the tears were for but I really felt proud of him!


Tara Mc said...

Thats so awesome that Stetson likes music, there are so many places that it can take him-especially with a great teacher who cares.

Ruuddudes said...

You got TEARS?!?! We are too much alike! hee hee