Thursday, April 30, 2009


Ok I blogged clear into the night! Alot of pics all mixed up but they are there. The posts are clear at the bottom. You may wanna start there and go up. IIIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMMMMM BBBAaaaCCCCKKKK!!!!
Julie, my sis, Joe my bro, Taedyn and I. Where is Stetson? Most likely Chasen Girls. Or the other way round I'm not quite sure yet.
Julie and Joe, Lovin that big sis takes them snowboarding. Your welcome!

Oh look we found Stets once. Check out the snowpants from Santa! I love em.

Taedyn, Recovery tonsilectomy! The nurses were amazed at how calm and sweet he was. Most kids thrash and scream when coming out of sedation. He was calm and very sweet, but we knew that already didn't we!

Here is a Birthday pic of Stetsons cake. NO FROSTING! Just how he wanted it!

Pics Taken while I was lost off the Blogging Block!

Maur Played Dress up with DAddy. UMM noone tell him I blogged this. He'll Kill me!

Daddy can I take Dancing PPPLLLEEAASSSEE?

Taedyn and Bradley learned to Snowboard.

Sno- Bunnies????? Ya why not?
Sabrina, Steph, CArrie

Taedyn Manners Tea Dance. He hated it. Thanks for Dancin with him Katelyn. He really does think your cute. He just don't like to dance!

Daddy and Easter Egg Hunt

Maur learned to ski and loved it. When she crashed she would stick her thumbs in the air and Yell Yessss! She loved to go fast! Oh man. She really is her mothers daughter.

Maurlees Pre School Playmates
Dalton, Porter,Taylie,Maur,Eden

2009 New Years Princesses!

New Years with Lil Big Bro Joe Deisel and Sis Jew.

Guess what!! I have a teenager. I officially have a roomate smarter than me!

Stetson turned 13!

After sending 13 balloons to school and treats for everyclass brought to him by cute girls.( Kenna, Brooklyn,Brianna,Ashly) His Dad and I picked him up for lunch at the all famous Artic Circle! This is probley the first time most of you have seen the blond hair too. He has a dramatic side. HHMMMMM wonder where he gets that?

HHHHMMMM How do I put this!!!!!

Ok! Those who know me know that there has been complete quaos in my life for quite some time. I fell off the bloggers block didn't I. We'll I'm back and doing well for those who care. I just wanna thank GOOD FAMILY AND FRIENDS. I love you all. I truly missed you all. This experiance has taught me soooo very much. I know many stood by and wished there was something they could do. The thought was enough. It was my battle and with my Lord I or should I say we made it. With that said please know I really am doing well and want to get back to life as I knew it aside from the nessesary changes I've made which include appreciating the great blessings in life such as Family and Friends. Luv you all! May God Bless you for praying for me!