Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pics Taken while I was lost off the Blogging Block!

Maur Played Dress up with DAddy. UMM noone tell him I blogged this. He'll Kill me!

Daddy can I take Dancing PPPLLLEEAASSSEE?

Taedyn and Bradley learned to Snowboard.

Sno- Bunnies????? Ya why not?
Sabrina, Steph, CArrie

Taedyn Manners Tea Dance. He hated it. Thanks for Dancin with him Katelyn. He really does think your cute. He just don't like to dance!

Daddy and Easter Egg Hunt

Maur learned to ski and loved it. When she crashed she would stick her thumbs in the air and Yell Yessss! She loved to go fast! Oh man. She really is her mothers daughter.

Maurlees Pre School Playmates
Dalton, Porter,Taylie,Maur,Eden

2009 New Years Princesses!

New Years with Lil Big Bro Joe Deisel and Sis Jew.

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