Thursday, April 30, 2009


Ok I blogged clear into the night! Alot of pics all mixed up but they are there. The posts are clear at the bottom. You may wanna start there and go up. IIIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMMMMM BBBAaaaCCCCKKKK!!!!


Cassie Skinner said...

You crazy blogger - into the wee night even. It looks like life has been pretty fun. Maurlee looks to little for skies.. or is she just getting to big? Good luck with the teenage years with Stetson - I hope he is better than you LOL...hehehe. Oh and tell Jared I think he looks pretty sexy dressed up as a drag queen haha. Tatoo is the man but I wanted to see the video of the dance since he oh so loved it so much. Now keep up on the bloggin thing.

wendy said...

I loved catching up with you & your cute family!
A teenager?! I am not looking forward to that!
I haven't seen Julie & Joe since they were little kids or babies! How old are they now?
And I am so glad you are doing better! I have been thinking a lot about you!

So glad you are back!

Cordie said...

Stephanie~it was very nice to hear from you, thanks for your nice comment. About the collages...I first make them in Picasa 3 under the Mosaic collage, it automatically fits them where they need to be. Then to make them bigger on my blog I download the vertical ones to photobucket under the large file and the horizontal pictures I download in flicker under the medium size. Then I copy and paste the codes into my post. This probably sounds time consuming and hard, but I PROMISE it isn't! Hope this helps :)
P.S. I am glad things are working out for your family and you have three very cute kids!!!

Heidi said...

Wow what a giant post!!! So glad my blogging buddy is back. Love the pictures and your personality to go along with them! You keep things interesting and crazy!:) Last night you almost had me signing up for a spinning class! I don't know spinning or running? They both mix with sweat, and sweat means pounds!!! Love ya girl and so glad life is some what back to normal!

P.S. If you don't keep up with my blogging expectations you might get a dirty comment!! Just a heads up be looking for that!!!")

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back in the blogging world. I miss all those that disappear for a while. Very glad to hear that all is well. Whatever challenges you have been going through, I'm glad you made it and are back on your feet. Some of the punches life throws at us really suck! But I guess we have to pick ourselves back up and move onward. Hang in there and I look forward to your future posts.

Jeff and Holly said...

I love the new posts. That picture of Jared is HOT! Keep on blogin!