Monday, February 25, 2008

Jared Learned to Snowboard

Can you believe it!!!! My husband took a day off and went with us to ski school and learned to snow board. I had the opportunity to buy gear for fifty percent off so I decided to buy myself and Jared snowboards. Mind you Jared has never boarded in his life but said he would give it a shot.
The day comes and the kids and I were VERY EXCITED to witness this event. YOu see secretly I was wanting see him struggle at something seems how everything he tries seems to come natural to him. You should see the guy ride a horse. No , he is no professional but the most knot headed beast will purr like a kitten if he gets on it, among other examples of his can do anything skills. So any way..... we strap the board on and teach him how to walk with one foot out to the lift. NO Prob! I fell on my tush sixty five times the first time I tried this. Up the hill we go on the lift. The Dismount was near perfect! I still fall on my butt!!!!!! Ohhhh! Now comes the hard part. Down the hill. Ya he fell. A few times. That was it. He did Three runs his first day and now is ready for more. I did half a run my first day and walked out the rest because I was sooooooooo exausted from falling so much. Jealous am I but soo excited to have a family sport that we all love. Maurlee is now the only one left to learn. Next Year for sure. Here's to Jared.... Good Job! And just for the record.. I will find your Hercules week spot if it is the last thing I do. Pictures next week. I forgot to take my camera to this Fabulous event.


Karmen said...

That is still on my list of things to do...snowboard! See, once again, you are such a nice see a sale, you buy your hubby some snowboardin' stuff! Me...I see a sale, I think of me and my girls! Too bad your camera wasn't with you, but it probably was a good thing, seeing that you were planted in the snow half the night! hee hee

Ruuddudes said...

Yeah Jared! It's true, he's always so in control... next week, have that camera ready so we can catch him bum up/head buried in snow! That'd be a first! :)

Tara Mc said...

Your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends (isn't that a song or something??)but all we get to do is say hi once in awhile. I'd love to get to know ya better. Way cute blog, where'd you get the fun background?

Jeff and Holly said...

Way to be! That really stinks that he picked it up so easy:(! I think he needed to fall at least one more time than you did! AND 3 RUNS!!!!! Holy cow. He really is a stud! We will have to make a huge effort to go before the season is up. I'm sure Jeff would be exactly the same as Jared and take to it like a pro.

HOpe you had a good day today!!!!